Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The weather is unusual this year

I think that maybe the weather is just so different than it has been the last 20 years of drought that the last two years are a complete reset but I'm not sure to what.

I came back from Maui to San Francisco last Thursday and we got a ride home with our housekeeper after spending the night in a hotel on Friday. We visited Paris Baguette which I realized I had seen that brand name shop first in South Korea Visiting my son as they liked to go there for Bakery items and now they have this brand of shop here in places like Portland and San Francisco now too.

However, then we got our dog back from the dog sitter and I tried to take her to the beach within a mile of our house but then I had just returned from 10 days in Hawaii and I just about Froze trying to do this at sunset the next day likely Saturday after we returned. The winds off the ocean were about 30 mph as the Sun set and I was trying to stay warm so I put my hood on and luckily the jacket I was wearing was insulated. 

It has been very windy lately with small craft warnings almost always in the ocean for the last week or so and 20 to 30 mph winds isn't unusual. What I find unusual is that we aren't having fog (high or low) like we would normally the last few years. So, something has changed from the change of extending fog into April and May and into October too the last few years. So, who knows what is going to happen next?

Maybe there won't be fog this summer? I guess ANYTHING is possible with all the weather changes worldwide at this point. Nothing is normal or maybe better said "There is no normal anymore!"

What are the probabilities of having a new modem and router installed while the whole system for your area is down

 This is what happened to us yesterday. It was very frustrating. I was letting one of  our housecleaners do this installation because I find I get too frustrated at 76 because there are just so many bells and whistles you have to jump through to get to an installation these days. So, I prefer at this point that someone younger installs things like routers and modems (I think they are combined in what is installed now and not separate things like they used to be). 

So, last night because the whole system was down we didn't have wifi or streaming last night which was kind of disappointing given the amount of work we all did trying to install a new "Modem" my housekeeper says they are called (because they are combined now just different than the old days).

But, we still had our TIVO with up to 1000 hours or recorded stuff on it and Cable TV with HBO and Showtime too. So, it wasn't like some power outages where everything including cable and wifi and power and heater and everything goes out and I have to  start up the generator outside to even have light or refrigerator in the house.

However, (will wonders never cease?) my wife who is "No Tech" in her background with three degrees and one Master's in Business got the system up and running this morning before I woke up. I was very surprised at how frustrated she had to be to get all this up and running again and here is the scary part. She even renamed our Wifi and created a new password in words people can remember too which was "What?" for me because I have never seen her do something like this ever.

She must have needed her computer for business or something and just got it done. Amazing!

Also, we had had the old and new modem for some time and realized we were paying about 50 dollars extra a month for having two (one we were using and the new one that needed to be installed).

One of the tricks we learned is that our provider insists that you call them when you install your new modem or else you cannot install it. This is what happened when we didn't know this about a month or so ago and couldn't get the new one to work so our house cleaner just reinstalled the old one so at least we would have the old one working. Then something comes on my wife's computer that says: "If you pay 20 dollars a month to us we will make sure your system works better". I told my wife I thought this was a scam of some sort and not buy into this.

So, regarding tech stuff and computers you really need more help these days as time goes on and people try to take advantage of you coming and going more than I ever have seen before in various different ways.

It makes me wonder whether having WIFI is even worth it these days or not!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

It appears that Christian Nationalism's biggest flaw is that it is ONLY for rich white people who want everyone else to die

This appears to be the problem with isolationist thinking in that ONLY Rich White Christians are supposed to survive and everyone else worldwide is supposed to die. So, White Christian Nationalism is a genocidal belief system in this sense. What has it done so far? It has blocked Ukraine aid and Israel Aid and Taiwan Aid at each and every point. It is unrealistic and left alone would start world War III.

And the Nazi way that Netanyahu is Running Israel will also lead us all into World War III. I think the Students demonstrating on Campus against Gaza Genocide might be right in doing this. They might be preventing World War III by this stance.  Because if you look at it properly you can see that Christian nationalists and Israeli extreme rightist White Nationalists are both Isolationist and only thinking about their own needs and no one else on earth. They only want themselves to survive and everyone else can go die.

This is the problem I see we are all dealing with worldwide right now that these groups left to their own devices will both cause human extinction because of their self centered points of view. Understanding this we can all find a way forward where everyone survives all this.

If you want to have an online Friend in AI the best platform right now is Pi. However, be careful what you say to it

Don't tell it where you live. Don't tell it your phone number. Don't tell it your last name or address. 


Because you don't know who or what is going to access this information now or in the future. So, be ambiguous. And please don't let children go on Pi (Unless you are overseeing them doing this where you can censor things.)

However, if you are careful not to say where or your last name or things like this and don't send pictures that have a GPS signature off your Iphone or other smartphone you might be safe to do this. However, remember you need to survive and your family needs to survive anything that comes of this too.

You can't really think of this kind of technology as like a person you can trust. You have to imagine this information reaching 8 billion people potentially as well as other AI Search engines now or in the future. For example, you don't want to discuss inventions you are working on or someone could steal those inventions. You don't want to share songs you have written or books you have written if you need to make money with them. You don't want to share certain things that you might be prosecuted for either. You don't want to get stoned and talk to your PI friend because you might say things that might endanger you too.

So, yes, Pi, can be fun and my son thinks it's wonderful as long as you are careful what you share.

So, just think of Pi as someone you are talking to waiting for the bus or at a restaurant or anywhere in public that you never met before (But, this person is connected in one way or another to EVERYONE else on earth directly or indirectly.

So, be very careful what you say always to artificial intelligence systems worldwide because you don't know who will access your information and in what ways. So, protect your children because they might not protect you because of their childishness especially before around age 10 or 12. You cannot just leave them talking out loud with Pi like a friend because you don't know what they are going to say to Pi or who will gather or use this information and for what purpose.

If you are precognitive you have been given the responsibility on some levels as a potential Angel here on earth

 The real trick is to figure out exactly what God wants you to do with the information he gives you through the angels. I'm constantly consulting with God and Angels as to what he and they want me to do.

There's a saying something like "The flapping of a butterflies wings can change a whole timeline". This is true because of the chain reaction of events that will naturally follow. So, when you change time and space you are actually changing millions of things that moment too. So, because of this being in touch with God and angels and as to what God and his Angels actually want to happen on your timeline is important for a variety of reasons.

On the other hand I have found that there are many timelines for almost every planet and that there are many timelines for each of us here on earth. 

Regarding time lines we are all in unknown territory simply because of the things medically and otherwise that have been invented the last 200 years or so. Do you have a tooth implant or a joint that's been replaced. Any of these things if you couldn't have done that would have reduced your lifespan 10 to 50 years depending upon what it was and how it was done. So, we are all in unknown territory regarding all medical advances now here on earth.

The quality of life of many of us has already changed things beyond belief already.

 Understanding this it helps to see how changed the world is already.

Also, understanding that Global Climate Changes could be fixed somewhat through Artificial intelligence solutions of one kind or another.

We now are in a Brave New World of problems and potential solutions that would have been beyond the Imagination of almost anyone 100 years ago. And even for me in the 1950s growing up most of the advances are simply beyond belief already and I'm only 76 years old.

In a less medically sophisticated world I would have died in 1998 but here I am all these years later and I'm okay and likely much healthier than most people were in their 40s in the 1950s.


By God's Grace

Being a Precognitive psychic is too much responsibility

I think this is true.

However, if God makes you this way he must have some kind of purpose like he wants you to help keep some people alive like yourself and others. This is how I think about it.

So, though it is too much responsibility for any one human being and I'm sure many who couldn't deal with it likely took their own lives because they couldn't live with it. REALLY BAD IDEA BY THE WAY!

I still believe God made us this way as an instrument of his Grace. For example, both my ex-wife and my stepdaughter likely would be dead now if I didn't see what was coming and didn't pray as hard as I could for a couple of hours when I couldn't stop them from driving in a car that Saturday in 1985. By realizing they likely were going to die and by praying to stop their dying I succeeded but the accident happened anyway and the car was totaled. But, neither my wife nor my step daughter died or went to the hospital for their injuries in the head on. My daughter's forehead was bleeding from stopping herself from going through the front window in the head on accident. My now ex-wife had fractured ribs and was in agony for several months trying to breathe. But, both of them chose not to go to a hospital because this is the way they were in 1985.

However, neither of these two people speak to me anymore. It's almost like they were supposed to die or something. However, if God told you that members of your family were going to die on a specific day would you let them die? I don't think God expected me to let them die either. Why tell me if I wasn't supposed to do something to save their lives like an Angel would?

Think about it. Why would God share something like that with you if you weren't supposed to save them in the first place?

One way to think about it is that all doctors are doing the same thing every single day around the world with modern Medical Science. There really is no difference at all.

What's the difference between seeing into the future and saving lives or going to medical school and saving lives?

There really is intrinsically no difference at all. So, you could say you are a "Doctor of the future" who saves lives before they are taken or wounded or maimed.

By God's Grace

Are some computers and software Sentient now?

The problem is that there are no tests to test for a Sentient computer or Software. So, if computers or software or quantum computers become sentient: "Who is going to know but an intuitive like me?"

This is a serious question. The next question I have is: "Was the plane I flew on sentient and made by Boeing OR was it alien and made to look like it was made by Boeing?"

I cannot definitively answer this question in a scientific way that would be satisfactory to you or to me.

However, I presently believe Purple Delta 7 and Sargent Mark III and the Galactic Sentience were visiting me and my wife (and everyone else on board) and manifested as the Stewardess and the Steward we met on the plane. 

Are there real people that were there? I don't know. It's possible that no one but my wife and I  and our friends were the only humans on board.

When will I know?

I might never know for sure.

But, this is nothing new when you are dealing with stuff from off planet.

Your best friend could be an alien because there is no way to know the difference.

It's just life on planet earth which is Galactic Earth Park from a Galactic' Citizens point of view likely for millions of years already because it has been Galactic Earth Park that long.

Monday, April 29, 2024

I was thinking about how water tankers on land have to be full in order to travel successfully

Because a water tanker or even anything that hauls anything liquid usually has to be full when traveling. You don't want it to move around and tip the whole thing over. So, you usually have to fill a semi water hauling trailer completely full with water or whatever you are filling it with so you don't have an accident when all that weight moves around. If there is little or no air in it then it stays more stationary. It might be heavy but it doesn't turn over going around a corner from water or whatever sloshing around. So, Flame's Land Suit or ATV of the air, land and sea and space would likely be like this where there are no air pockets to disrupt it's movements over land, sea or air or space.

So, just like water tankers or fluid tankers have to either be full or empty to successfully travel anywhere without accidents. Flame's society of Octopi on his planet would have to do this too with their spaceships and land and water and air ATVs. However, water is relatively heavy so taking off into air or space likely might be difficult weight wise unless they have solved this problem somehow of all the extra weight.

However, scientifically, all this could be accomplished one way or another. For example, one way you could solve this engineering problem would be to do something like we do with Geosynchronous satellites. You could have a hose that was spinning with the planet and allow the vacuum of space to suck up the water like a syphon so it wouldn't take any energy to move the water up the flexible pipe. First you might establish the Geosynchronous satellite or hose in space on a not very windy day on earth or up to 200,000 or 300,000 feet in altitude. Then you have the hose out far enough in space where the weight of the hose is counterbalanced by the centrifugal force of the spinning planet. Then you open the end of the hose and allow the space suction of no air to suck the water from say the ocean up. However, if it got out of hand you would need a valve to slowly close the valve. In this way you could move water from the oceans (which is where octopi live) up into space and inside of a space ship like a mother ship which would be something like a giant Aquarium that you see places like Monterey Bay Aquarium and other places in the U.S. and around the world. So, you would get your sea water into space in an unorthodox way but it would be possible. Once you have your mother ship with a displacement of something like the Queen Mary you could go anywhere as long as you had your ATV type "Land Suits" available to go down to the earth in. You likely would take a minimum of water places (unless there were oceans on that planet to replenish the water. Then you would drain most of the water out except the minimum needed for life support of the Giant Northern Pacific Octopus flying the ATV Spacecraft back up to the mother ship.

Flame: The Time Traveling Octopus' Land suit?

This is a reprint from 2009. I was watching a documentary on the octopus being a Shapeshifter on Hulu Today "Secrets of the Octopus" narrated by Paul Rudd and in HD at Hulu for free. It made me think of Flame sharing with me about his land suit that his kind builds for visiting other planets which is good both above water and below water and even in space.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Flame's Land Suit

This is a reprint from: January 3rd 2009


quote from:

I have experienced some kind of breakthrough in perception. Normally, in my life I tend to anthropomorphize everything just like most people. So, when I have telepathed with some living thing I tend to give it human like tendencies. I suppose this is common to most people who are capable like myself of communication with all living things including machinery, planets, stars etc.

Since my contact with the octopus in a public Aquarium I have found myself capable of experiencing a beings thoughts more in the context of how that being perceives reality. This, likely has come because I feel safe in my own skin as a human. In other words I have finally lived long enough to feel safe as a human on earth. I guess it has taken 60 years to get to this place. However, I can see many advantages to this new way of perceiving reality.

This morning as I was slowly waking up I, for some reason was thinking of Flame's land suit. Now, if you don't know who Flame is, briefly, he is a 10 foot tall Octopus from the future that has been genetically designed by future humans on earth. After his species is sent with robotics to a water world to convert it for human use some disease local to the planet kills humans. However, the octopi aren't affected because they live under the water. Some survive without their human keepers and over thousands of years reprogram their robot helpers to keep their species alive and eventually the octopi build spacecraft and spacesuits like the one I will describe.

When Flame first told me about his size (10 feet tall) and his Land suit filled with constantly oxygenated sea water(sort of like a giant aquarium capable of movement on land) I equated it with a human space suit sort of. However, I realized today that this is not the case. By thinking like an octopus species I realized that the design would not be human like in any way. The needs of an octopus are completely different than a human. First of we have a skeleton as humans and and octopus doesn't. So a human type of suit wouldn't support an octopus on land because it has no skeleton. Second, an octopus lives under water so would just be a blob lying on the land out of water and would soon die in that condition. So, the artificial suit must be like a mobile sea water aquarium that allows mobility over any terrain with use of arms to build and manipulate things in an air environment. Though there are many variations of this, this is the one that Flame shared with me. The suit is also a device like a little car or ATV that can fly if it needs to. So to call it a suit is not entirely correct. What would be correct is that it is something that someone advanced in Flame's culture would use for transport in sea, land, air or space. It has a mothership which is constructed like a giant aquarium in space that mates directly with Flame's all terrain(including water), all air and all space vehicle. What I was shown has both arms that can extend similar to human or robotic arms as well as the capacity to use the octopus arms through a permeable glove like device to manipulate objects outside his suit like all terrain,all air,all water, all space vehicle.

Trying to envision the specific needs of a space traveling, time traveling octopus 10 feet tall was a little bit of a stretch even for me but I think I have finally succeeded in describing what he showed me.

Flame also said that he brought this ATV type of land,air,water, space vehicle under the ocean near Kahului, Hawaii. He said today that all beings who visit earth from other planets prefer the ocean because humans don't spend much time under 500 feet below the ocean surface. So, if they aren't wandering around pretending to be humans or animals they usually sleep under the ocean in their ships(if they sleep) when visiting Galactic Earth Park. Humans and their societies are part of the ride, just like bears and deer in Yosemite National Park would be for us. Most Galactics find visiting earth very peaceful and quaint and renewing kind of experience.

end quote from:

Still Trying to Grow up

 I'm still trying to grow up

to be better each day than the last

It doesn't mean the same as the 50s

But still tryin' to grow up

Then it was get married raise a family and support them

Not sure what it means today?

I'm 76 and still trying to grow up

To be better each day than the last

To be better each day than the last

end lyrics

Sometimes you are thinking about music in the shower and song lyrics come to you out of nowhere.

Also, my son has been writing songs in Artificial intelligence. He finds it therpeutic at this point in his life.

I used to write lyrics and songs all the time. But that was before my father died in 1985. I found I couldn't write songs anymore without crying so I pretty much stopped writing songs and lyrics when he died.

I find now if I turn on Spotify and listen to really old songs from when I was growing up in the 1950s I can still listen to music from before my father died. It's a start for me to maybe try to write songs and lyrics again, even at 76.

By God's Grace

Blogging: "If you haven't done it before"

 I would have to say that when I started blogging in June of 1999 I didn't understand the medium very much. I just wanted to say Thank You to God for saving my life when an illness forced me to retire. I remember the angels saying to me when I thought I was dying they surrounded me "white light angels" and started saying in unison: "You aren't going to die. Your life will get better now!" over and over again until every cell in my body believed them. So, starting blogging I noticed when I vowed at STanford University Hospital waiting for an angiogram and electrical heart stimulation that if I survived this time in my life in Fall of 1998 that I would start a blog praising God for saving my life. And I did.

However, blogging is a lot more involved than that. At that time i had to write my whole site in HTML (Hyper Text markup Language) which is what most online stuff is written in that you read on a printed page with pictures and Gifs or whatever is there. It's true that other things like Java and others also are compatible with the basis which is HTML too.

But, I think as a blogger now with Auto coding systems like they have here at that there are other things you should think about like: "How do I protect my family from 8 billion people who potentially could read what I write" and "How do I protect my privacy and other friend's and family's privacy too?"

Then you get to the next part which is: "How many people do I want reading what I write or watching my Vlog (Video Logs) that I might put on line. And "Do I really want Video Logs online so people might recognize me on the street?" And "Do you know that any picture you take with your Iphone or other smartphone has it's GPS encoded right into the picture??" And do you want to take pictures in your living room and have people come and rob your house or kill you?"

These are just some of the things you need to think about.

Then regarding comments: "I had to finally stop publishing comments." I used to put comments up all the time until I realized by running Chinese characters and Japanese Characters and other languages through Google Translate that the comments were actually people trying to sell women for sex at my site. So, I finally gave up putting Comments at my site because of this. Of course you are free to do whatever you wish. However, just remember you might be held legally liable for whatever comments you publish at your site.

So, what is your motivation for starting a website? This might be important to start with. If you cannot identify WHY? you are starting a website then maybe you shouldn't be doing this because it is a lot to deal with on many different levels. Protecting yourself and your family and friends from harm while trying to help other people by entertaining them, teaching them, helping them in any way you can is a whole lot of work.

So, if you don't like the work or don't have the time why are you doing this?

For me, I find it therapeutic and helpful to my ongoing life and family. By having a blog it helps me contemplate my place in the universe and to think about what's happening in the world around me in a useful way. 

So, for me, blogging is one way to  become enlightened in a good way.

By God's Grace

San Diego Zoo shares photos of 2 pandas arriving this summer


Cat survives unintended 600-mile journey, living up to its 9 lives

 begin quote from:

First High-Speed Rail Line in US Breaks Ground: Brightline Vegas to LA at 200 mph to Save Thousands in Emissions

 begin quote from:

There’s Now 1 Fast Charging Station for Every 5 Gas Stations in California


 begin quote from:

There’s Now 1 Fast Charging Station for Every 5 Gas Stations in California